Catharon Software Corporation
From VDeltaWiki

Internet Software Technology - Interactive Multimedia Productions - Creator of V∆Delta
Home | About Catharon | Clients & Projects | Contact Catharon | Job Opportunities |
Mission Statement
It is our mission to provide tools to empower ordinary people to use computers and the Internet to build businesses, to build global community and cross-cultural understanding, and to provide equal opportunity for education to the millions of people disenfranchised by poverty and geographic isolation.
- We are dedicated to making computer technology available at an affordable and fair price.
- We are dedicated to making computer technology easy to learn for all people.
- We are dedicated to stamping out the proliferating bugs that make computers crash, that obsolesce applications, and that prevent interoperability of applications.
- We are dedicated to creating community by enabling people to work together and play together, to easily share skills and resources, and exchange ideas.