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From VDeltaWiki
Revision as of 09:50, May 30, 2012 by JessicaF (Talk | contribs)

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What is V∆Delta?

V∆Delta, created by Catharon Software Corporation, is a sophisticated and powerful new technology created to provide a thorough and elegant solution to many of the common problems faced by the Internet community today.

V∆Delta's features include exact cross-platform AND forward compatibility, modular delivery, multi-threading, Unicode international language support, reliability, stability, low-cost, and its EXTREMELY easy to learn for everyone (not just programmers).

Getting Started

We recommend new wiki users start with these pages:


  • If you are a new contributor to the wiki please visit the Contributors page to read the contribution policy as well as directions on how to contribute.


Please note that in order for V∆Delta code examples to show up properly you need make sure you have the Catharon System Mono font installed.

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